Invisalign FAQs

Many patients have questions about Invisalign clear braces. We hope the answers below will answer some of those questions. If you have any more concerns, please don’t hesitate to call! We would be happy to assist you at Hillsboro Dental Excellence today.

How will Invisalign affect my life?

Many patients are pleasantly surprised by how Invisalign fits right into their lifestyle. Meals and snacks don’t have to change–simply remove your Invisalign aligners to eat. You can remove the aligners to brush and floss, and occasionally for a special night out. You will have Invisalign appointments, but only every four to six weeks, so we shouldn’t have to interrupt your life too much to give you a new beautiful smile.

Why choose Invisalign over traditional braces?

Some patients should wear metal braces, depending on the complexity of their orthodontic needs. However, patients who choose Invisalign enjoy smooth, comfortable plastic, paired with convenience and subtlety.

Does Invisalign hurt?

Invisalign is a considerably comfortable braces treatment because the smooth plastic won’t rub painfully against your cheeks or lips. You may feel a small amount of discomfort when you switch to a new set of aligners, but it will fade quickly as your teeth adjust.

How often should I wear my aligners?

The more often you wear your aligners, the more quickly your teeth will move! We suggest you wear your aligners 20-22 hours daily, removing them only to eat, brush, and floss.

Is Invisalign the right treatment for me?

Your preferred orthodontic treatment will depend on your unique needs. Dr. Skinner can tell you whether Invisalign is enough to straighten your smile.

Why wear Invisalign braces?

Straightening your teeth will boost your confidence and improve your health. A functional jaw will prevent potential TMJ pains and promote proper chewing, biting, and speaking through life.

Have any more questions about Invisalign, or how it might work for you? We can help at Hillsboro Dental Excellence.